TAGS: APAFranceLegislation

Support the French APA professionnals and their specific skills to be legitimated in promoting Health-Enhancing Physical Activity in publics with special needs.

* 40 years ago: a Curriculum in APA is created in French Universities.
* Jan. 2016: APA is include in the National Code of Public Health.
* 2022: The law draft democratizing Sports for all aims to promote APA without including APA professionals.

  • To legitimate the theoretical, pedagogical and scientific academic roots of APA.
  • To be recognised in our curricula and diplomas, in our specific skills and competences to safely support APA for all publics with special needs.
  • To be consulted on draft legislation affecting our field of expertise.
  • To remain free to monitor, plan, implement and prescribe APA for our users who are older, with disabilities or chronic diseases, in full coordination with their GPs and other Allied Health Professionals involved in their cares.
  • To be integrated in the development of the politics of APA reimbursement by the Health National Insurance. To contribute as active stakeholders in its implementation.
  • To contribute to the evaluation of the plus-value brought by a professional with an APA -based curriculum in the efficiency of programmes which could be reimbursed to the clients / patients / users with a handicap, a chronic disease, any risk factor, elderly or anyone needing supports in his/her social inclusion and PA participation.

France lobby (in English)

Because APA is our shared field of knowledge, intervention and values throughout Europe, throughout  the World, please sign the petition https://www.change.org/p/pasdapasanseapas?redirect=false