European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA) By-Laws

last updated June 2022

Article 1 Name and address

Name: European Federation of Adapted Physical Activities (EUFAPA). Address: Tř. Míru 115, Olomouc, 771 11, Czech Republic.

Article 2 Position of EUFAPA

2.1. EUFAPA is an independent organisation uniting its members based on common interest.

2.2. EUFAPA acts as legal subject.

2.3. EUFAPA is a European organisation concerned with the promotion and dissemination of experiences, results and findings in the fields of adapted physical activity and sport science, and their practical application to the benefit of individuals across the life span.

2.4. While EUFAPA supports physical activity opportunities for all individuals with special needs, the particular focus of EUFAPA programmes and activities are persons with impairment conditions or disabilities which may limit the individuals’ ability to pursue the physical activities of interest to them.

Article 3 Purpose

Fundamental purposes of EUFAPA are to:

3.1. Encourage European cooperation in the field of physical activity to the benefit of individuals of all abilities.

3.2. Promote, stimulate, and coordinate scientific research and experiences in the field of Adapted Physical Activity (APA) throughout Europe, and to support the application of research results in various areas of professional practice such as education, coaching, leisure, recreation, and rehabilitation.

3.3. Make scientific knowledge of adapted physical activity and practical experiences available to all interested national and international organisations and institutions.

Article 4 Fundamental Activities

To achieve its purposes, EUFAPA:

4.1. Initiates, coordinates, and organises international conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars and clinics.

4.2. Supports and initiates projects for training and advanced training of staff in the field of adapted physical activity.

4.3. Encourages and promotes programmes of study in adapted physical activity.

4.4. Encourages and promotes exchange of experts, as well as cooperation among institutions for higher education and research in adapted physical activity.

4.5. Promotes processing of information and documentation in adapted physical activity and their exchange among institutions and associations.

4.6. Encourage and disseminate examples of good practices in APA favouring inclusion of persons with impairment conditions or disabilities.

4.7. Stimulates and provides for publication of information and knowledge in sport sciences and encourages mass media to spread ideas and results.

4.8. Cooperates with national and other international organisations.

Article 5 Definition of Adapted Physical Activity

This definition of APA is always a purpose of discussions and evolutions worldwide. It may thus evolve with time.

Adapted physical activity is defined as a cross disciplinary body of knowledge directed towards the identification and solution of individual differences in physical activity. It is a service delivery profession and an academic field of study which supports an attitude of acceptance of individual differences, advocates enhancing access to active lifestyles and sport, and promotes innovation and cooperative service delivery and empowerment systems. Adapted Physical Activity includes, but is not limited to, physical education, sport, recreation, and rehabilitation.

Article 6 Membership

6.1. Members can be persons over 18 years and legal subjects agreeing with by-laws.

6.2. The decision about acceptance of member, based on application, is made by board of directors.

6.3. Membership starts right after this decision.

6.4. Membership is terminated by:

  1. resignation of a member via written notification to the board,
  2. the death of member,
  3. decision of the board based on severe abuse of members duties,
  4. termination of EUFAPA.

6.5. The proof of membership is written notification by the board

Article 7 Right and duties of members

7.1. Members have rights to:

  1. take part in general assembly.
  2. elect its representatives.
  3. be elected as a representative.
  4. to address EUFAPA representatives with suggestions or complaints.

7.2. Members have responsibilities to:

  1. follow the organisation’s by-laws.
  2. take part in achieving the purposes of the organisation.
  3. pay membership fees at the amount decided by the general assembly,
  4. make sure that the interests and the good name of the organisation are not violated.

Article 8 EUFAPA representative

EUFAPA representatives are:

  1. those present at the general assembly,
  2. board of directors,
  3. President,
  4. Audit committee

Article 9 General assembly

 9.1. General assembly (GA) is the highest representative of EUFAPA.

9.2. GA consists of all EUFAPA members.

9.3. GA is organised according to the needs, but at least on annual basis. Board of directors must organize GA if requested by at least two thirds of EUFAPA members.

9.4. Fundamental tasks of GA:

  1. decide about modifications to by-laws,
  2. approve EUFAPA tasks for a certain period, annual report, annual budget and annual financial report,
  3. elect members of the board of directors,
  4. decide about the number of members on the board of directors,
  5. decide about the termination of EUFAPA

9.5. GA quorum is above 50% of If the meeting does not have a quorum a subsequent meeting of members is convened within 3 weeks which is entitled to make decisions provided that there are at least two members present to participate.

9.6. Every member has one vote. Votes of all members are equal.

9.7. Decisions are made by simple majority voting.

9.8. The decision to modify the by-laws or termination of organisation requires voting of at least 2/3 of all members.

Article 10 Board of Directors

10.1.The board of directors is the executive representative of EUFAPA, which reports its activities to GA. The board of directors is managing EUFAPA business between GAs.

10.2. The members of the board of directors are elected at GA based on the nomination of a EUFAPA member.

10.3. All members of the board of directors are elected for two biannual terms (4 years) except for the positions of President Elect, Past President and Regional Representative where it is one biannual term (2 years).

10.4. The board of directors’ members are: president, president-elect, past president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and regional representative.

10.5. The board of directors has at least five members.

10.6. The meetings of board of directors are organised by the president and in his/her absence by vice-president, at least twice a year.

10.7. The board of directors’ fundamental tasks are:

  1. coordination of EUFAPA business,
  2. organisation of GA,
  3. preparations of motions for GA,
  4. decisions about membership

10.8. The EUFAPA president and vice-president represent EUFAPA outside the organisation and act in the name of EUFAPA.

10.9. The board of directors’ quorum is more than 50% of its members.

10.10. Decisions are made by simple majority.

10.11. The board of directors can co-opt new members, which would be responsible for specific tasks (journal editor, coordinator of international programme, webmaster etc.). These members have equal rights as elected members of the board of directors.

Article 11 President

11.1. The President represents the Association on all occasions. He/She signs all agreements and official contracts as well as any documents committing funds of the Association.

11.2. The President presides over the General Assembly, Board of Directors and prepares all materials for their meetings.

11.3. The President will, at annual meetings of the Association and such other times as he/she deems proper, communicate to the Association or the Board of Directors on such matters and make such suggestions as may in his/her opinion tend to promote the purposes of the office of President, including submitting an annual report to the membership.

11.4. The President shall assume the duties for any member of the Board who is unable to fulfil their duties or for any position that is vacant or suggest the co-option of a new member.

Article 12 Members of the Board of Directors

12.1. Past President

12.1.1. The Past-President is responsible for elections, advice and awards on behalf of the Association.

12.1.2. The office is held for a one biennium (two years) term immediately following completion of the term as President.

12.1.3. In the event of the absence or death of the President during this term the Past-President will take over their duties.

12.1.4. The Past-President is responsible for maintaining professional, educational and scientific cooperation.

12.1.5. Responsible for cooperation with the editor and editorial board of EUJAPA.

12.1.6. If the office of Past-President is vacant, the duties of the office are assumed by the Secretary.

 12.2. President Elect

12.2.1. The President-elect works closely with the President on all matters.

12.2.2. The office is held for a one biennium (two years) term after which the role holder automatically moves over to the role of President.

12.2.3. In the event of the absence or death of the President during this term the President-elect will take over their duties.

12.2.4. The President-elect is responsible for maintaining professional, educational and scientific research cooperation.

12.2.5. The President-elect is responsible for cooperation with the editor and editorial board of the European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity.

12.3. Vice-president

 12.3.1. Vice-president is responsible for cooperation with professional, regional and national organisations

12.3.2. Vice-president coordinates cooperation with potential organisational members or representatives of national APA organisations.

12.3.3. Vice-president is responsible for marketing and cooperation with EUFAPA webmaster.

12.3.4. Vice-president brings to the attention of the board new initiatives or opportunities for the board to consider involvement in.

12.4. Secretary

12.4.1.  Give notice of all meetings of the Association and its several divisions and all committees and keep a record of their activities.

12.4.2. Conduct all correspondence and carry into execution orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.

12.4.3. Keep a list of members of the Associations

12.4.4. Notify officers and members of their election.

12.4.5. Take over roles of past president if the posts for past president and president-elect are vacant.

12.5. Treasurer

12.5.1.  The Treasurer keeps accounts of the money received and expended for use of

12.5.2. He/She deposits all sums received in an approved bank(s) or trust company(ies). Funds may be drawn only upon signature of the Treasurer or President.

12.5.3. Funds, books, and vouchers in his/her hands shall, at all times, be under supervision of The Board of Directors and subject to its inspection and control. At expiration of his/her term of office, he/she shall deliver over to the successor all books, money, and other property, or in absence of a Treasurer-elect, to the President.

12.6. Regional Representative

12.6.1.  The Regional Representative shall be elected for a two-year term.

12.6.2 The Regional Representative will act as a liaison from EUFAPA to IFAPA and other organizations outside Europe.

12.6.3 He/She will represent EUFAPA at IFAPA and other professional networking meetings.

Article 13 Audit Committee

13.1. The Audit Committee is the controlling body of the Organisation, which is responsible for its activities to the membership meeting.

13. 2. The Audit Committee has 3 members.

13. 3. The Audit Committee supervises the management of the Organisation, draws the attention of the Board of directors to the identified deficiencies and submits proposals for their elimination. The inspection is performed at least once a year.

13. 4. For the meetings of the GA, the audit committee prepares a report on the results of audits and control activities.

Article 14 Financial Regulations

14.1. EUFAPA might have both current and immovable

14.2. Sources of assets are:

  1. gifts and donations from physical and legal subjects,
  2. gains from assets,
  3. gains from fundamental EUFAPA activities,
  4. membership fees,

14.3. Board of directors is responsible for the management and annually provides a financial report to general assembly including accountant

Article 15 Termination

15.1. EUFAPA can be terminated by:

  1. Voluntary termination or fusion with other organisation based on the decision of GA.
  2. Decision of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech

Article 16 Closing remarks

16.1. EUFAPA can issue organisational and meeting guidelines based of the decision of GA.