TAGS: CoimbraEUCAPA 2022EUJAPALate Breaking

The European Conference of Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA) 2022 has announced the possibilities for researchers and practitioners to submit “Late Breaking” abstracts. If you missed the deadline or find that you have some new results that you would like to share, this is the opportunity to submit under the Late Breaking Abstract submission window. Deadline is 30th March 2022.

EUCAPA 2022 Late Breaking

Abstracts allow researchers and practitioners to submit their latest findings.

All abstracts will also published in the European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (EUJAPA) – https://eujapa.upol.cz

The journal is currently indexed in Scopus and DOAJ. There are no publishing or reading fees and is completely open access.

Awarded presentations would be invited to submit full papers to also be published in EUJAPA. For more information, visit the EUCAPA 2022 site