TAGS: Aija KlavinaHayle MorrisonKwok NgMichelle GrenierNCPEID

The (US) National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) is a national organization in the USA that plays a pivotal role in influencing the direction and development of the adapted physical education/activity field. Its mission is to promote, stimulate, and encourage legislative mandates, professional preparation, advocacy, and research in physical activity, physical education and recreation for individuals with disabilities.

Since 2021, they have set up the NCPEID APE Collaborative, bringing expert guests to discuss all things related to adapted physical education (APE). Both President Aija Klavina and Vice President Kwok Ng have been invited to speak at the March 2022 Edition of the APE Collaborative. They will be joined by NCPEID President Michelle Grenier and Hayley Morrison (University of Alberta).

Date: 22nd March 2022

Time: 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET / 6pm EET


For more information, visit the NCPEID website

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