TAGS: Board of DirectorsElectionsEUCAPA 2024Regional RepresentativeTreasurerVice President

Nominations for positions in the EUFAPA Board 2024

This year some of the EUFAPA Board members will complete their serving term. At that time, the current President-Elect, Javier Perez Tejero will become EUFAPA President and the current President Aija Klavina will become EUFAPA Past-President. An election will be held in June 2024 during EUCAPA in Seville (Spain) for the positions of:

  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Regional Representative

We invite EUFAPA members’ input on identifying competent and motivated nominees for the three positions in the EUFAPA board as soon as possible but before 1st June, 2024! The guidelines and procedures for making nominations can be found below (Nomination Process). Before submitting candidates, please read Articles 10.1 -10.4 in the EUFAPA Bylaws, which can be found at www.eufapa.eu

Important to know

10.1.The board of directors is the executive representative of EUFAPA, which reports its activities to GA. The board of directors manages EUFAPA business between GAs.
10.2. The members of the board of directors are elected at GA based on the nomination of an EUFAPA member.
10.3. All members of the board of directors are elected for two biannual terms (4 years) except for the positions of President-Elect, Past President and Regional Representative where it is one biannual term (2 years).
10.4. The board of directors members are: President, President-Elect, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Representative.

  • Elections will be held during the next General Assembly (GA) in 2024, the GA will be held during EUCAPA2024 in Seville, Spain.

Nomination Process: (read before submitting a nomination)

All members shall have the right to propose candidates for positions on EUFAPA board. (Members may propose themselves, too). Nominations shall include a statement of support (that directly addresses qualifications to perform specific duties and responsibilities), a short biography (about 250 words), a summary of scientific work, (and a statement from the nominee that, if accepted as a candidate, she or he agrees to be on the slate). Nominations must be submitted in writing to the EUFAPA secretary – Ursula Barrett

The President, with the help of the secretary, shall ascertain that all nominees are current EUFAPA members and submit names of nominees to the Board of Directors before the close of nominations [1st June 2024]. The President shall work with the Board of Directors to ensure that the slate of nominees is diverse, especially in including individuals with impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions in physical activity.