TAGS: CoimbraEUCAPA 2022

The European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity 2022 (EUCAPA 2022) took place in Coimbra, Portugal, on the 9th-11th of June 2022. There were 147 participants from 24 countries of which 16 were European countries. 83% of participants were from European countries.

General Assembly:

President Aija Klavina welcomed members to the General Assembly meeting and then presented an update on the projects and collaborations that EUFAPA have been involved in over the past 2 years. Vice-president Kwok Ng discussed communications via website and social media and highlighted the need for a new Editor in Chief for the European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity. Secretary Ursula Barrett went through the proposed changes to the bye-laws, which were adopted by a vote.

New roles on the board were elected: Ondrej Jesina (Treasurer), Piritta Asunta (Regional Representative), and Javier Pérez-Tejero (President Elect).

Volunteers in the conference:

EUCAPA 2022 had 23 volunteers (15 national and 8 international)

EUFAPA twitter had info on countries of international volunteers

Award winners

  • Best Poster – Matias Henriquez
  • Best Oral Presenter – Javier Monforte
  • EUFAPA Service Award – Professor Pauli Rintala

Social media posts

The venue for next EUCAPA, EUCAPA 2024 was announced as Seville in Spain for June 11-14, 2024.