TAGS: NorthumbriaresearchSpecial Olympics


EUFAPA are part of a research collaborative research project lead by researchers from Northumbria university.  The research project aims are investigating the coach-athlete relationship and finding ways to support athletes and coaches in inclusive sports settings. The project researchers would like to invite adult (over 18y old) athletes with Intellectual Disabilities and their coaches to participate by completing short online questionnaires, which are available in English, Greek, Swedish, Arabic, Spanish, and Latvian. Should you be able to help recruit, kindly send on these links to the coaches and athletes.

Coaches: https://northumbria.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/coaches

Athletes: https://northumbria.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/athletes


Additionally, adult athletes with Intellectual Disabilities and their coaches have the opportunity to participate in brief online interviews with a researcher (in English, Greek, Swedish, Arabic, Spanish, or Latvian). For further information or expression of interest to take part in the surveys, please send an email to: k.sakalidis@northumbria.ac.uk

(Ethics Approval has been obtained: Project ID: 3116 – Northumbria University)