Hackthon Sport and Physical Activity
Join in the Global Design Hackathon for sport and physical activity with universal design or adapted physical activity solutions.
iCoachKids Online – Coaching Children with a Disability
ICoachKids is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The @ICoachKidsEU online series…
Special Olympics education survey
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia @SpecOlympicsEU is seeking the opinions of educators and students. Please find…
Intensive Inclusive PE Training, Dublin
Inclusive Physical Education Summer School, 14th- 22nd of April 2020. Closing date for applications is March 31st 2020.
Hackthon Sport and Physical Activity
Join in the Global Design Hackathon for sport and physical activity with universal design or adapted physical activity solutions.
iCoachKids Online – Coaching Children with a Disability
ICoachKids is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The @ICoachKidsEU online series…
Special Olympics education survey
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia @SpecOlympicsEU is seeking the opinions of educators and students. Please find…
Intensive Inclusive PE Training, Dublin
Inclusive Physical Education Summer School, 14th- 22nd of April 2020. Closing date for applications is March 31st 2020.