TAGS: awardsEUCAPA 2024

Call for nominations for the EUFAPA – European Professional Award for outstanding achievements award.

In order to honour outstanding achievements in the field of APA in Europe the European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA) calls for nominations for the EUFAPA – European Professional Award for outstanding achievements award. This award will be announced along with other awards decided by the congress organising committee during the next European Congress (EUCAPA) to be held 11-14 June, 2024 in Seville, Spain.

 The contribution to the field of APA can be achieved by acquisitions in research or professional activities or in sport competitions. The candidate will be selected by the EUFAPA board following a review of nominations / applications from European countries. The nomination letter for this award should include a one page (300-word) biographical sketch of the individual, highlighting major accomplishments. Please submit nominations by April 12th 2024 to EUFAPA secretary Ursula Barrett via email to Ursula.barrett@mtu.ie.