TAGS: EUCAPA 2024volunteers

EUCAPA 2024 is seeking volunteers to take part in the international student volunteer program.

EUCAPA 2022 Volunteers with EUFAPA Vice President

Volunteering at EUCAPA can be an unforgettable experience. As a volunteer, you’ll help the conference organisers – GBEvents and in return, you’ll get;

  • Housing in a university dormitory
  • EUCAPA 2024 t-shirts
  • Most meals paid for
  • Student Registration type waived

Volunteers must be willing to arrive in Sevilla 6th June or early in the morning on 7th June. Volunteers are asked to until 14th June when EUCAPA 2024 ends.

Deadline for submission: 15th of April 2024

For more information visit: https://eucapa2024.com/the-congress/student-international-volunteer-program