TAGS: Aija KlavinaJózef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in WarsawKwok NgLatvian Academy of Sport EducationLithuanian Sports UniversityUniversity of Eastern Finland

The Erasmus+ cofunded project titled SENDiTeach had its first meeting in Lithuanian Sports University on the 1st March 2022. After weeks of planning, the event became a Hybrid meeting with some partners at their respective places and some in the city of Kaunas.

EUFAPA’s President – Aija Klavina and Vice-President – Kwok Ng represented their respective institutions on the project but also to create opportunities for EUFAPA to be part of the project.

The project partners include

  • Lithuanian Sports University (Coordinator)
  • Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Latvian Academy of Sport Education

The project lasts for 24 months with multiplier events that include primary school teachers in Lithuania, Poland, Finland and Latvia around the topics of digital competencies among primary school teachers in physical education with children with special educational needs. The project aims to build on the earlier work collected on the updated European Standards in Adapted Physical activity whereby digital competences were built into the physical education component of the standards.

More details of the project to follow.