📢 Webinar IDEAL 2.0

🔹„Inclusive And Equitable Sport For People With Autism And Intellectual Disability”🔹
🕘17th November 2023 from 9:00 to 11:00 🌐 CET
👉 https://zoom.us/j/97763392197?pwd=WjFWenlDMUFDSHZ0am1aeFNscDB2Zz09

Do you know what new appeared in IDEAL 2.0 project?

If not, this webinar is for you!!!

Organizers of Polish national APA conference are delighted to launched webinar focused on IDEAL 2.0 project. The project aims to facilitate inclusive and equitable sport for athletes with intellectual disability and/or autism.

Representatives of project IDEAL 2.0 Partner institutions were invited for presentation of project goals, their own roles, how the project progress and what are expected benefits for athletes with intellectual disability and/or autism and their sport environment.

You will have opportunity to listen about:

✅ Project INTOR by Dr. Debbie Van Biesen from KU Leuven
✅ Web-based interventions by Dr. Sean Healy from University of Limerick
✅ Leadership and employability by Prof. Alba Roldan Romero and Charlotte Katrien Messiaen from Miguel Hernández University
✅ Coaching E-learning by Dr. Ingi Einarsson from Reykjavik University & Dianne Kortekaas from KU Leuven
✅ Awareness by Prof. Jan Burns and Mousumi Mazumdar from VIRTUS & prof. Natalia Morgulec-Adamowicz from AWF Warsaw
✅ Q&A by IDEAL 2.0 team

We are looking forward to see you at IDEAL 2.0 webinar !
👉LINK do webinar: https://zoom.us/j/97763392197?pwd=WjFWenlDMUFDSHZ0am1aeFNscDB2Zz09

Virtus Sport


Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie