TAGS: CiteScoreEUJAPAScopus

The Scopus cite score of journals was recently published. The European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (EUJAPA) metrics for 2019 are now available.

Although EUJAPA is in its 12th volume (one volume per year), since 2015 it was included in Scopus cite scores.

EUJAPA is a multidisciplinary, yet niche field and features in four categories

  • Social Sciences: Education
  • Health Professionals: Physical Theraphy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Social Sciences: Health (social science)
  • Psychology: Social Psychology

The CiteScore for is the number of citations over the number of papers published in the previous 3 years. In 2016, EUJAPA entered with a CiteScore of 0.2. A year later the CiteScore was 0.6. In 2018, the CiteScore increased to 0.9. Although there were more citations from papers in 2019, there were also increase number of publications and the CiteScore 0.9.

More information can be found from https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100451188?

38th percentile
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EUJAPA is a platinum Open Access journal. Platinum journals mean authors do not need to pay a submission fee, nor an article processing charge, and readers do not need to pay to access it. More information about Open Access journals can found from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access#Diamond/platinum_OA