TAGS: IMAPALeuvenMastersOlomoucPalacky

The EUFAPA flagship educational programe is a 2 year (full-time) International Master of Adapted Physical Activity (@IMAPAProgram). Based at the Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium with key partner at Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.


The professional aim of IMAPA is to educate competent and critical professionals.

The disciplinary aim of IMAPA is to educate people on how to conduct research in order to advance the field of APA

Deadline for applicants are
1st March (for non-EEA citizens)
1st June (for EEA citizens)

Academic Calendar
1st Semester: end of September –> End of January
2nd Semester: half of February –> End of June

Tuition Fees
€938.80 for the current academic year + additional costs of around €500