TAGS: Aisling ClardyClaire BoursierGlobal Design ChallengeKwok NgUNESCO chair

The Global Design Challenge is a hackathon sprint to support the creation and development of innovative ideas from around the world that enable people of all ages and abilities to lead active healthy lives.

The 2021 edition was held between the 21st and 27th June 2021 and winners announced on the 2nd July 2021. With total prize money worth €21,500, people from around the world took part in this hackathon.

There were 8 specific sub-challenges. 

Find innovative ways to

  • increase opportunities for engagement in physical activity ensuring that it is accessible to everyone of any ability, age, race or socio-economic background – INCLUSION
  • inspire community-level engagement in physical activity for all ages – COMMUNITY
  • bring participants, volunteers and fans back to sport and physical activity – FANS AND VOLUNTEERS
  • use sport as a means to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a practical way – POLICY-BASED
  • reimagine sport and physical activity (e.g., space and place, funding models) to make it more sustainable and resilient to shocks and change – SUSTAINABILITY
  • motivate children and youth to engage in sport and physical activity, that leads to life-long interest – YOUTH-BASED
  • harness technology to radically change the way sport and physical activity are imagined – TECHNOLOGY-BASED
  • integrate sport and physical activity into leisure and lifestyle activities (e.g., cycling for transport, gardening for food security) – LIFESTYLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY


One of the APA projects was from EUFAPA Vice-President  Kwok Ng and his team including IFAPA past president Claire Boursier and IFAPA NESAPA chair Rosa Aksoy. Their project is called Stay Active and was awarded second prize. https://devpost.com/software/stay-active-2

Another APA project was led by UNESCO Chair, and EUCAPA 2020 Keynote presenter Aisling Clardy and colleagues on the I-pepas project in Mauritius. https://devpost.com/software/professional-preparation-for-inclusive-physical-education

Other notable APA projects included

More information about the global design challenge can be found from the devpost site; https://gdc2021.devpost.com/  Keep your eyes open for 2022.