1. EUJAPA (European Journal of APA):

  1. Current state of art research findings in APA,
  2. Inspiration for future studies,
  3. Examples of excellent research methods (approaches).

2. EUCAPAs (European Congress of APA):

  1. Reduced CONFERENCE FEE,
  2. Current research findings in APA,
  3. Inspiration for future studies,
  4. Examples of research methods (approaches),
  5. Information about study programs, practices,
  6. Opportunity for networking among APA colleagues.

3. EUFAPA webpage: 

  1. Information about past, current and future EVENTS in APA,
  2. Information about practices in APA (could be used in teacher preparation),
  3. Information about published books, articles (book review).

4. EUFAPA organisation

  1. Eligibility to vote at the General Assembly