TAGS: CoimbraEUCAPAEUCAPA 2022Volunteer

The European Conference of Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA) 2022 hosted by FCDEF-UC Coimbra, Portugal

EUCAPA 2022 Theme is : Promoting inclusive sport & exercise opportunities for health and well-being

Dates: 9th – 11th June 2022.

International Volunteer Programme application closes on the 31st January 2022.

A wonderful opportunities to get involved in the International Volunteer Programme as a student Volunteer.

As a volunteer, you’ll get housing in a university dormitory, EUCAPA 2022 t-shirts, Student registration without the Gala Dinner, and some pocket money provided by the EUFAPA board. Volunteers are responsible for their own transport to and from Coimbra. Volunteers are committed to work at the conference a few days before the conference (9th-11th June 2022) and work around 7 hours per day.

For more information about the programme and how to apply, please visit the EUCAPA IVP page.

Call for Abstracts have been extended until 31st January 2022.

Abstracts can be submitted for 1. Oral, 2. Poster, 3. Mini-Symposium, or 4. Workshop presentations. Awards for the best abstracts for oral and poster presentations will win an official award and be invited to submit their work to the peer review process of EUJAPA, the official scientific journal of EUFAPA.

Thematic area 1 – Inclusive Physical Education

Thematic area 2 – Physical Activity and Exercise for Health and Well-being

Thematic area 3 – Social Values in Recreation, Leisure and Rehabilitation

Thematic area 4 – Excellence in Disability Sport

For more information for presentation and awards, visit the author information page.

Keynote Speakers

Martin Block

Brett Smith

Yves Vanlandewijck

Invited Speakers

Raúl Reina

Guilherme Furtado

Astrid Nyquist

Kitrina Douglas

David Rodrigues