TAGS: Anthony MaherEdge HillInclusive PEPhDVacancy

Edge Hill University (UK) welcomes applications for Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) PhD Studentships. You will work with Dr. Anthony Maher and colleagues in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity. Research proposals that centre the physical education experiences of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities are especially welcome. While all proposals will be considered, you may also want to consider the following research topics:

  • Working in collaboration to include children and young people with disabilities in physical education
  • The intersection of disability, race, ethnicity, gender, social class and/or sexuality in physical education
  • ‘Inclusive’ pedagogies for children and young people with disabilities in physical education
  • Teacher education for including children and young people with disabilities in physical education
  • ‘New’ methodologies for centring the experiences of children and young people with disabilities in physical education

Graduate Teaching Assistants hold a unique position in Edge Hill University, being both registered students and carrying out teaching/teaching support duties. Students will be expected to:

  • Complete a programme of researcher development sessions.
  •  Undertake tailored continuing researcher development.
  • Complete a programme of training in teaching in Higher Education.
  • Complete a PhD programme of research under the guidance of an appointed supervisory team.
  •  Undertake up to six hours teaching a week as directed by the Head of Department.
  • Undertake up to nine hours per week of marking and preparation.
  • Enhance the research culture of the department in which they are located, and of the University as a whole, by participating in development activities including publication and presenting at conferences.

Each GTA studentship includes a ‘package’ with a total value in excess of £20,000 for UK students and £30,000 for International students per annum. This includes:

  • A stipend of £9,180 per annum
  • Full waiver of research degree tuition fees worth approximately £4,650 per annum for UK students and £14,050 per annum for international students
  • £5,500 per annum to contribute to the cost of accommodation
  •  Full waiver of the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education tuition fee (worth approximately £1740

To discuss your research proposal, please contact Dr. Anthony Maher Mahera@edgehill.ac.uk. Please visit: https://jobs.edgehill.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=EHGT263-1220 to learn more about the GTA scheme and application process.