Thank you for registering your details to be a member of EUFAPA 2022-2024.

To finalise your membership, whether student or professional, a membership fee of 20EUR is required.

This fee is already taken out from the conference registration fee, so if you have paid for registration of the 2022 EUCAPA, there is no need to make payment again.

If you have not paid for registration for 2022 EUCAPA and would like to be a member, then payment is required.

Click here to make membership payment (this will take you to an external site)

Once payment has been received, you should receive a receipt automatically from the payment service used (Stripe).

If you have made payment but did not receive a receipt, please contact the secretary – Ursula Barrett.

To be eligible to vote at the general assembly, you must show proof that a member, otherwise your vote will not be counted.

Some notes and answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Membership fee is the same for students and professions (20 EUR). Membership lasts until the 2024 EUCAPA conference. Therefore, it is approximately 10EUR per year and membership lasts for up to 2 years.
  • You cannot cancel your membership half way through and seek a refund.
  • Membership fee is separate from IFAPA membership.
  • Memberships are open to all who attend EUCAPA 2022 and paid registration outside of the event, irrespective of where the members reside or carry out their work.
  • If you join in 2023, the membership ends in 2024 EUCAPA conference and not for 24 months.